Just Be (Book 1)

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Just Be (Book 1)


The first book in the Just Be Books Series focuses on sadness. In the story, little Albert Apple deals with his sadness by trying three different coping skills. Not all of them work. He eventually learns breathing exercises from a woman named Miss Margaret. From the breathing exercises, Albert Apple finally is able to cope with his emotions, turn into a seed, and eventually … Albert Apple becomes a great big tree!

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By purchasing this product, you’ll be a part of the journey of “Just Be”. We are so thankful for your support! This is a startup that is creating products to encourage the conversation of empowerment, self-value, and mental health at an earlier age. First on the list is a children’s book called “Just Be”. Additionally, we are in process of creating a plush toy apple which will eventually have a seed-packet inside so that the family or class will be able to grow a tree together.